Keep Trac!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of TracFone for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Why change services when you have a reliable, fashionable phone?  Your best bet is to  keep your TracFone!  TracFone offers the least expensive way to own a phone in America.  Nationwide coverage with incredible connectivity.  Why switch?  You already know that TracFone has phones from leading manufacturers such as Motorola, Kyocera, Samsung, LG, and Nokia. TracFone has various phones with  So many features you can't count them all!  Features like camera/vide recorder, web access, app capabilities, mp3 player, and full QWERTY keyboard for just $29.99!  Unbeatable!  It isn't just my opinion, but the opinion of Real TracFone customers!  Personally, I haven't heard of any wireless company offer "Double minutes for the life of your phone" that can be purchased separately for $19.99, but some phones include this cool plan.  If you need a phone for basic usage, then why not continue your service with TracFone? Simple phones for those who have simple needs, with calling and texting capabilities  for under $10.00!  Stay with the best wireless companies around!  Need more convincing?  Then take a look at this video and discover what you already know, Tracfone is the best choice for you and your family! 

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